Putting gangs on notice

This softly, softly approach to gangs has fuelled crime and fear too long, and Chris luxon has made it a priority to restore law and order in New Zealand.

Since Labour took office in 2017, gang numbers have increased by a staggering 66% and recently the Ōpōtiki community was forced to close down so gang members could hold a tangi.

I believe it is unacceptable that whole communities must bow to the illegal whims of criminals, especially when children are prevented from attending school. My message is clear – those who choose to align themselves with a gang and engage in criminal activities face more severe consequences.

Membership of a gang will be aggravating factor when it comes to sentencing, so gang members convicted of an offence will face tougher penalties for their crimes.

This initiative, along with a range of solutions we have already announced, will help restore law and order to New Zealand. These include:

  • Banning gang patches in public places.
  • Allowing police to issue dispersal notices where gang members come together in public to intimidate and threaten.
  • Giving police non-association powers to prevent gang members from communicating and planning criminal activity.
  • Giving police the warrant-less search powers they need to remove guns from violent gang members.
  • Cracking down on serious youth offenders by creating young offender military academies.

As Christopher Luxon said “Gangs pose a grave threat to New Zealand society. They thrive by preying on the most vulnerable individuals, peddling addiction, intimidation and widespread misery wherever they set up shop.”

Under a future government i am port of, communities like the Shore will be safer places to raise families.